After reading the previous blog “8 SIGNS YOU’VE BEEN IN YOUR JOB TOO LONG“, you realized that you are wondering about staying or needing a new job to grow. A lot of questions run around in your head, one of them is:
The thing that you call “A Pleasant Quit” does not exist in reality.
“A Pleasant Quit” means “When you quit your job, everyone will regret losing a colleague like you”.
Why does it not exist? Because when you quit your job, there is never happen “Everyone feels regretful!”
No matter how you good at work (even if you are the best person in your company). no matter how you good at your relationship with everyone in the company (even you are a person most favorite company).

When you quit, this is what will happen:
– Some people will regret it.
– Some people will feel normal.
– And some people will feel happy.
You understand, right?
It does not depend on who you are, how you are, or which position you are holding. Even if you are a company owner. When you are a very good person, there will be people who do not like that good (for example people are often taken out to compare with you!). Even when you are the most loved person, there will be second favorite people happy when you leave, because now they are ranked first!
So, “A Pleasant Quit” is something that never exists.
Let me tell you the truth: The fact that “not leaving a bad rumor about me” when quitting, does not really exist…
I remember the day when I left “a quite big position” in a multinational company. Because I felt that I did not want to and could not contribute more, while the salary and benefits were good. Many people were surprised, they do not even believe in “retiring from work because of not feeling contribution”.
For them, just needing adequate wages and benefits. The less work, the more happiness. So they think it is not the reason for my leaving.

From here starts a rumor “He quit because of some discontent with the leaders”. More worrisome, many people began to make a theory, that I quit because of my Boss. “His boss stomped on the spot, so he could not continue to promote, therefore he was dissatisfied”
Even if I am a person who does not care much about the so-called position, that rumor may still exist, even now
So, the definition of “A Pleasant Quit” means not leaving a bad rumor about you, which also does not exist.
“A Pleasant Quit”. For me, it is leaving your job without having any worries.
For employees to not worry about leaving, there are two things you must definitely accomplish:
Talk frankly with your direct boss about the reason for leaving:
Because their direct boss is the reason, for many people.
– If you see that your boss is not good at his expertise, tell them.
– Your boss is not good at management, tell them.
– Hating your boss for any reason, tell them
Of course, you tell them in a polite and straightforward way, before leaving.

You can hear the explanation, or not. You do not need to believe the explanation if you feel it is not honest enough. But at least, you say your reasons and your boss knows your reasons.
Many people do not do this, because they are afraid. They fear their boss will:
– Have bad speech about them when they accept new jobs.
– Block their way back to the old company once the new place does not go well.
You make decisions based on fear, you will never be able to walk comfortably and calmly.
Take a look at it, if it is just because of your boss’s speech, the company does not hire you, there are only two possibilities:
– Firstly, it is that company is hasty when they don’t hear your story, Is this a worth company?
– Secondly, your ability is too bad to convince an employer, so is it the fault of your boss?
You are still scared. No problem, you can not do it. It just does not think about anything nice. Nothing peace comes from fear.
And please note, there is an only one person you need to talk frankly about the real reason you left, that’s your direct boss. Colleagues with the department, the high-level boss, the HR department, etc that is the place you should choose to provide suitable information.
If you can’t tell the truth to Boss in front of them, don’t think about what else to do behind their backs. Just taking a quickly leaving.
The second thing to do, after having a straightforward discussion with your direct boss is:
Having a reasonable time to hand over the work to the team

“A Pleasant Quit” of course includes handing over what you have done to the company. Pay special attention to legal issues in the process of handover such as documents, equipment, money… The handover must be made in writing with the signatures of both parties, and you should keep a copy or take a picture of the handover minutes to avoid future problems.
More importantly, make sure you do the best as you can to help your substitutes (of course, if the company has recruited a substitute before you quit), and do not share with them about why you quit.
Cre: Cam nang di la cua Cho Soi